I couldn't tell if you meant ClickHouse the company or ClickHouse the database in your comment. If the latter there are multiple hosted ClickHouse services--by my count at least 12 though not all are available in every market. This seems like a good thing for users.
p.s., We found out a while back that one of the ClickHouse services in China runs on the Altinity Operator. We occasionally get issues/PRs from them, which is kind of cool.
Thanks, I meant, Clickhouse the company is now providing a hosted solution. We are in India and were waiting for it to land in the India region to try it out.
I feel that databases/warehouse solutions being available through the k8s operator framework is fantastic, especially if it makes sense for your business to package the solution as part of larger infrastructure offering. It is a little bit of a learning curve though.
The GitHub dataset is a lot of fun. In addition to the ClickHouse Inc version mentioned in the article there's also a current version on Altinity.Cloud at the following URL:
It also has tables with NYC cab data (trip data) and the US DOT airline ontime dataset. They are also fun datasets for putting ClickHouse through its paces.
Is this a usability problem or just an implementation choice?
8443 is the default port for secure HTTP traffic on ClickHouse and has been for many years. This particular endpoint uses that port so that applications using the Python clickhouse-driver (and many others) work as expected without surprises.
> @hodgesrm it's simply a copy of the Playground I've created in 2020.
We've never said differently. I was one of the people who congratulated on you the dataset when you first introduced it and also authored an early article on your play UI, which is an excellent ClickHouse feature than every user should know about. [0,1]
> It's also working slower, has less number of datasets, and it is using an older version of ClickHouse. Better to show something original.
Altinity.Cloud can run any version of ClickHouse. It's currently on the latest 22.10.4 build. We upgrade it regularly. I see that as a feature rather than a drawback.
I honestly don't see it as competing with anyone. We put this endpoint up a couple years ago to give people a convenient endpoint to try out ClickHouse and to certify BI tools like Superset. If anything we should all be competing to ensure ClickHouse gets the recognition it deserves. It's an outstanding analytic database.