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Those who want those protections can effectively already have them, but convenience (and modern CI/CD tooling) dictates that they will either be disabled or ignored completely.

If you try to fix a problem at the wrong layer all you will end up doing is create a bunch of false positives which will result in those protections being disabled. Then, by the time you need them they will no longer be active. A problem like this should be dealt with as close to the source as possible. A defense-in-depth strategy is a sound one but only if it does not add burdens that will lead to the defenses being disarmed in peaceful times.

Finally, I fail to see which finer grained permission would have stopped this, though maybe someone can make some suggestions. Not allowing the use of Node, Python, Go or Rust would seem to be a bit harsh and nothing short of that would seem to solve the problem without the OS having to gain massive awareness of what is going on at the application level.

Microsoft effectively fell for this by dragging everything and the kitchensink into the operating system layer, the only result of that was an even larger attack surface at a level where it mattered even more.

This is not an easy problem to solve. For starters you would have to review the way all of these dependency resolution mechanisms work and flag the ones that you think contain risk. Then you need to get the suppliers of those systems - and others like it - to agree on a standardized way of vetting the import process and finally you would have to make the OS aware of a set of signatures or certificates that would stop such an attack in its tracks.

The alternatives are doing away with easy dependency resolution or taking charge of the root cause and fixing it: the admission that decentralized source code control is a great thing to have but unsuitable for the distribution of packages for immediate introduction to production systems based on the say so of whoever controls the namespaces. The kind of centralized control that would require is something that the likes of Apple and Microsoft can provide, no Linux distribution is dominant enough to be able to solve this (nor are they wealthy enough). Distros have a hard enough time vetting their own output.

For example, blanket access to filesystem seems bad. Start with, most apps get access to some particular subdir of $HOME, like say "Documents", their own config for and systemwide files (not user-specific). Then you have a directory of home which you know is more vulnerable, but the rest of it, like .ssh, is protected. Select programs like ssh or rsync can have access.

Perhaps a simpler starting point is a runner script that enforces such rules on an opt-in basis from the user, and tooling that makes it easy to run binaries through this. Like a reverse sudo sort of thing.

I'm certainly not saying it's easy, but I'm not sure it is impossible either. It's a bit like an internal firewall.

Even if apps request blanket permissions, that's a win already. On mobile, when apps do it, it is a big red flag for me and I skip.

All that was required here was a very noticeable warning that a dependency that was previously sourced from one place now came from another. Doubly so, because, as a commenter further up points out, the new source is outside of the private repository and the risk of confusion was well known.

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