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there's a few factors here that allow dependency confusion attack to happen here

1. pytorch publishes their nightly package on their repo which depends on a custom triton build provided on their repo, but using a package name they don't own in pypi. This has been mitigated by them by renaming the dependency from torchtriton to pytorch-triton, reserving pytorch-triton package in pypi, and changing the dependency name on the newer nightly builds 20221231 forward to point to pytorch-triton package instead.

2. pytorch installation instruction for nightly using pip in (https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/#start-locally), make use of the --extra-index-url option. This is a known vector of dependency confusion attacks, and is an inherently insecure method of installing packages from private repositories. The recommended approach of distributing wheels in private repositories is by using a repository server that allows proxying/redirecting the public pypi packages to pypi, and users should be using a single --index-url pointed to that private repository (assuming the maintainer of that private repository is to be trusted). --extra-index-url is meant to provide mirror urls (serving the same set of packages as the main one), rather than to combine repos with different sets of packages.

> The recommended approach of distributing wheels in private repositories is by using a repository server that allows proxying/redirecting the public pypi packages to pypi, and users should be using a single --index-url pointed to that private repository (assuming the maintainer of that private repository is to be trusted).

Alternatively, keep a separate requirements_private.txt around for private dependencies and add a line --index-url <my private repository>.

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