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> language package management systems try to solve solve the problem that has been solved by Linux distributions a long time ago, and they typically do it very poorly.

Yet, every main Linux distribution has its own packaging format (deb, rpm, etc) , package naming convention, dependency resolver, package release strategy (rolling, fixed, etc) , package build & deployment system (source, binary, per arch binary, etc), and package install peculiarities (custom, upstream focused, system wide, in a chroot, in a snap, etc), reproducibility constraints, etc...

So it's not like it's a _solved_ problem for Linux distributions.

Not to mention that most distribution package managers are system wide, while language package managers are often environment based.

> > language package management systems try to solve solve the problem that has been solved by Linux distributions a long time ago, and they typically do it very poorly.

> Yet, every main Linux distribution has its own packaging format (deb, rpm, etc) , package naming convention, dependency resolver, package release strategy (rolling, fixed, etc) , package build & deployment system (source, binary, per arch binary, etc), and package install peculiarities (custom, upstream focused, system wide, in a chroot, in a snap, etc), reproducibility constraints, etc...

> So it's not like it's a _solved_ problem for Linux distributions.

Just because someone reinvents the wheel does not mean it wasn't invented (solved before hand. I would also argue each distro package manager is miles ahead of any language one.

> Not to mention that most distribution package managers are system wide, while language package managers are often environment based.

That's the thing I was alluding to in the second part of my post, if developers would be more careful about backwards compatibility we wouldn't have to use environments. I do admit that packages for apps are more of an issue, it would be nice to upgrade those without having to upgrade the rest of the system.

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