> Reached out briefly for help on the IRC with no response, same with the guix-help mailing list.
IRC (on libera) is pretty active, maybe try again.
I see your mail on help-guix[1], but there's no mention of sudo looking up the system. I'm not familiar enough with btrfs to help here, but there are many btrfs enthusiasts in the community, who could probably help you here.
IRC (on libera) is pretty active, maybe try again.
I see your mail on help-guix[1], but there's no mention of sudo looking up the system. I'm not familiar enough with btrfs to help here, but there are many btrfs enthusiasts in the community, who could probably help you here.
[1]: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-guix/2022-12/msg0012...