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What Rust Brings to Front End and Web Development (thenewstack.io)
2 points by kiyanwang on Dec 31, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

JavaScript is safe. And pretty fast. Replacing it with Rust at the client-side is rarely going to pay off.

To be honest: the article doesn't even say what Rust brings to web or front end development; it limits itself to comparing it very superficially to C/C++, and use in cryptography. It's just another click-bait title.

I am looking for ELF64 static binaries of a toolchain based on the rust-written rust compiler with the proper binutils.


This is for bootstrap.

"There’s a pretty simple reason to learn Rust: It’s new and people like it"

the best reason? what else ya got?

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