I wish that the pgadmin team hadn't rewritten pgAdmin4 in Python. The GUI performance is abysmal. I can see it lagging when typing SQL text in the window. The experience is really worse than the worst Java IDE I happened to use in the early 2000. The previous version was written in C++ and worked much better.
So while Python might be good for some stuff, please, please do think twice before choosing it for GUIs or other kinds of apps that should be snappy.
> So while Python might be good for some stuff, please, please do think twice before choosing it for GUIs
The GUI for pgAdmin4 isn’t in Python. Between 3 and 4 pgAdmin didn’t just change from C++ to (largely) Python with otherwise similar architecture, it changed from a classical desktop app to a web app with a Python backend (so you could run it on machine close, in network terms, to your db server, to which your workstations would have only an HTTP, not a pg protocol, connection, without maintaining a separate code base for that and desktop use.)
So while Python might be good for some stuff, please, please do think twice before choosing it for GUIs or other kinds of apps that should be snappy.