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It's a relatively low effort comment, but I'm not actually sure why you're being downvoted for this.

If you value being able to use your device in whatever way you please then I'd agree it's kinda silly to use an iOS device. If you're the kind of person who's going to want to use obscure search engines or side load apps then maybe an iPhone just isn't for you.

I suppose the pushback would that "freedom" comes at the cost of usability so from a practical standpoint it makes sense that there is some limitations.

Is there some special kind of user on HN that has downvote buttons, or am I the special kind of user on HN that only has upvote buttons?

Every HN user starts without the downvote button. It's only after your own comments get upvoted enough times that the downvote button appears for you (and then you start having to be really careful when aiming for the upvote button, and checking every time that, after clicking the arrow, the link next to the timestamp reads "unvote" and not "undown").

You will be able to downvote after your karma goes above 500.

Wahey! Only 10 to go!

14 more, nice.

You get down vote permission after some amount of points iirc

I'm seeing them right now. It seems to be rate limited based on your karma and how downvote-happy you are.

I thought they disappeared sometimes. I thought it was if you commented in a thread?

You can't downvote replies to your comments.

I feel like downvoting also goes away after a comment has reached an age threshold, although I don't know what that threshold is.

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