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IANAL but I think the license you buy from google play or apple or whatever is not a license for the content, it's a license to access the content from the provider through a specific player/app. So getting content from musicbackups dot com or whatever would not be a transferable right or gray area.

People will do it anyway though

Not sure about US, but for example in Czechia, you can download any content legally - as long as you don't share it, it's fine. Torrents do share it though, so that is a gray area.

You also have a right to make a personal backup/copy of the content, again, as long as you don't share that copy (projecting for multiple people is also sharing in this context).

>in Czechia, you can download any content legally - as long as you don't share it, it's fine.

Very similar law in Poland: you can legally pirate music, books, comics, movies, images for yours own (including your family and closest friends) use.

What's interesting, there is an exception for software and video games - those are always illegal.

> Torrents do share it though

Torrents don't share it. You do if your torrent client is configured to do so.

BitTorrent is a protocol. You use it how you use it. If you only want to use it to download stuff, you can.

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