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Not the guy you ask, but for me, I just want convenient digital thing on my laptop I actually own, not rent. I live in 2022 and don't want that physical crap.

I would have no problem to pay for DRM-free and location-independent stuff, but all this thing with "rights owners", "you can't hear that in this location", "you can't download it to listen offline and locally" is a total bullshit. I don't care what some lawman or government thinks. I also don't care about 5$ per month, that's nothing. But for my money, for any amount, I expect some respect and not this "money cow" attitude.

If artists want to get money from people like me, they probably should release their works under some more ethical distribution systems, which actually respect their customers wherever they live and whatever way to listen they prefer.

> Not the guy you ask, but for me, I just want convenient digital thing on my laptop I actually own, not rent. I live in 2022 and don't want that physical crap.

Welp I got you bruh bruh...

> I would have no problem to pay for DRM-free and location-independent stuff, but all this thing with "rights owners", "you can't hear that in this location", "you can't download it to listen offline and locally" is a total bullshit.

Give me your two favorite artists and I'll send you their latest releases in lossless ripped form after I cop their physical records. You pay me the cost of the physical medium (which I'll immediately turn around and go donate to the public library for others to enjoy) and I'll fully eat S&H etc aka any dollar amount over the cost of said physical medium. That fits your description of 'no problem to pay', yeah?

> I don't care what some lawman or government thinks. I also don't care about 5$ per month, that's nothing. But for my money, for any amount, I expect some respect and not this "money cow" attitude.

Yes all the artists I know could definitely be placed in one of your three categories; lawmen, government entities, and/or money cows. That certainly doesn't drive home my point that you're all disconnected & wildly removed from reality.

No problem, Send me Eminem, last Cypress Hill album and bitcoin address to pay, I'll pay you in public, put tx hash here and the whole HN will be able to see that.

Please also send here the invoice photo with yourself and nickname on hn as proof, so it's not some torrent downloaded content already and you really supported artists.

Though I won't do that process on day-to-day basis for each track I listen, that's kinda inconvenient, you know.

Just copped The Slim Shady LP for you. That one is a classic.

His later records are trash (ok he had one more decent showing on The Marshall Mathers) and Cypress Hill is laughable I won't do it. Holy fuck of course you picked those two artists lol.

For real though your shit is purchased straight up & on it's way and now that you've mentioned BTC I don't even want to be reimbursed I just want to send you the lossless rips when the physical lands – ETA 1/4/2023.

Send me something so I can give you these files, please. That Slim Shady LP is amazing and I want to come through on my offer.

> Though I won't do that process on day-to-day basis for each track I listen, that's kinda inconvenient, you know.

Right you'd have to go to the website where you buy things and do what I did. I can understand that that's a bummer for you. You know what else is a bummer? Two free album offer and you choose Eminem and Cypress Hill hahaha. God damn my HN music taste bingo board would have SMACKED.

There is no proof that you bought it, you can save for yourself if you don't want "reimbursement". I know how to use torrents, you know. The point was to support artists, not to get anything.

If you change your mind and would like to get the payment, the offer conditions is still valid, I don't deny to pay.

Actually your attitude is more or less the same as in other current distribution platforms - they kinda might support artists, but don't respect the client. And that's the reason that they will continue to loose money.

So we have a nice cosplay of modern labels, really!

Thanks for taking this train of thought through-and-through to its logical conclusion. leehuffman was being unreasonable bordering on absurdity, so I did not feel the need to engage with the posts, but you took it all the way to the end despite the rudeness and demonstrated how untenable/inconvenient the proposals were.

So you want people to have to purchase cd rom players and be limited to whatever can be physically shipped, or else they’re not allowed to enjoy music at all?

Those limitations were a hard cap years ago. Now they aren’t: if you put them on somebody, they are arbitrary.

And you’re going on a weird-ass rant about capitalism yet you’re not seeing that this is a classic capitalistic problem? You’re expecting people to go a route that is more difficult, more expensive, more time consuming and has less choice, because a fraction of a percent of their effort and money will then maybe go to the original producer of the music?

Let people pirate if it’s the easy route for them FFS. Blame the record labels and distributors, they’re the ones at fault here.

> Let people pirate if it’s the easy route for them FFS. Blame the record labels and distributors, they’re the ones at fault here.

Except I'm not referring to anyone who hasn't retained their masters/credits outside of their first record 20+ years ago. The rest of their catalogs are producing checks, but they're fractions of cents per play because streaming music services that everyone here hates.

The flip side is not ganking their shit off the internet for free (they're available and doing numbers on public trackers FYI)... it's purchasing their shit... why is this so confusing and/or combative for y'all?

And why is it so confusing for you that if convenience and accessibility tend towards piracy, then piracy will be picked over an inconvenient and inaccessible way of trying to pay for something?

Where convenience and accessibility tend towards paying, that will be the preferred solution. Spotify, Steam and Netflix built billion dollar businesses on that assumption being correct, in three different areas where people pirate frequently.

None of these businesses thought their time was best spent sending letters to individuals who were pirating. Not legal letters, not random HN comments talking about capitalism. Instead, they offered a solution.

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