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Shifting gears: why US cities are falling out of love with the parking lot (theguardian.com)
12 points by n1b0m on Dec 26, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

This is just codespeak for: "in the future only the rich will have parking spaces."

People need to wisen up and stop lowering their standard of living to accommodate the folks who can afford to have children and therefore have the greatest interest in preserving the environment for future generations, i.e. their future generations.

Usually same folks who can afford a place with a garage for their car too.

By intentionally building new residential construction that cannot accommodate a car, it also conveniently increases the value of existing properties that already do.

We had to move from the very urbanized Capitol Hill area of Seattle. Whenever we got home it took 20 minutes of driving around to find on street parking. Then it was a game to find where you parked the car the next day. This is because the apartment building did not have enough parking to handle the number of people living in it. As a result, we moved to the suburbs where we have parking.

Since we moved, Seattle reduced the minimum number of parking spots required for apartments further. This seems to be a stick approach rather than a carrot approach.

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