For sure, pydata ecosystem is one of the worst offenders. Yeah, the libraries make it easy to do that 1 off model -- shove it in production and watch the next 3-6 months be a pagerduty fest for both the model writer and ops/backend people.
It doesn't have to be like that though -- look at geohotz's tinygrad library for exampe: well tested, well written, and can do most of the things the bigger ecosystem libraries do.
The goal of lang features like these is to automate the optimization especially when it is hard to do at scale without it. Scenarios that start with "If only everyone..." are great candidates.
Conversely, agreed, it's not THAT hard to convert an individual project, just being unable to handle third-party, so import-shaming some top projects can likely go far. Features that enable framework providers to empower others are great... And none is needed here. It's messy to push through type checking, but doable.
Feel like we are reliving when js got a more static module system. A lot of kicking and screaming, and still issues, but a lot of good came out of that.
It doesn't have to be like that though -- look at geohotz's tinygrad library for exampe: well tested, well written, and can do most of the things the bigger ecosystem libraries do.