* Global uniqueness: The same URN will never be assigned to two different resources. ((the encoding would be part of the URN))
* Independence: It is solely the responsibility of a name issuing authority to determine the conditions under which it will issue a name. ((a URN wouldn't necessarily be a hash of the resource in question))
The second point makes it pretty clear that the assignment of URN's would be done by some authoritative parties, which makes sense if you think that in their initial view URN's would have been useful in linking citations, references; for research papers. Just that the Internet has far time ago branched from that scope.
* Global uniqueness: The same URN will never be assigned to two different resources. ((the encoding would be part of the URN))
* Independence: It is solely the responsibility of a name issuing authority to determine the conditions under which it will issue a name. ((a URN wouldn't necessarily be a hash of the resource in question))
The second point makes it pretty clear that the assignment of URN's would be done by some authoritative parties, which makes sense if you think that in their initial view URN's would have been useful in linking citations, references; for research papers. Just that the Internet has far time ago branched from that scope.