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Go's crypto/x509 package ignores KeyUsage status flags (opensource.google)
3 points by mos_6502 on Dec 21, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

KeyUsage status flags are ignored.

From Engineering Security, Peter Gutmann:

A European government CA marked its signing certificates as being valid for encryption only, but no-one noticed.

Another European CA marked its signature keys as not being valid for signatures.

A different CA marked its own trusted root certificate as being invalid for certificate signing.

Another national CA distributed a certificate to be used to encrypt data for the country’s tax authority that was marked as only being usable for digital signatures but not for encryption.

Yet another CA reversed the order of the bit flags in the keyUsage due to confusion over encoding endianness, essentially setting a random keyUsage in certificates that it issued.

Another CA created a self-invalidating certificate by adding a certificate policy statement stipulating that the certificate had to be used strictly as specified in the keyUsage, and a keyUsage containing a flag indicating that the RSA encryption key could only be used for Diffie-Hellman key agreement.

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