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> Given this, the choice of iOS as your OS seems kind of unfortunate. Why choose an OS where the hardware makes a point of being a black box and where the support for, say, an old version ten years from now seems rather doubtful.

KType is almost entirely PhoneGap (HTML5/CSS3/CoffeeScript) except for the prediction and TTS libraries. I could probably make an Android version in a week and plan on doing so in the near future. The reason I chose iPad is the ubiquity and stability. The best part about using tablets with PhoneGap is that the hardware/OS completely gets out of the way of the user. KType is the only interface that the end-user sees and interacts with. And as long as KType does not change drastically, users will not be inconvenienced.

I guess...

Another thing to notice is that Hawking's system is hooked to his home automation system, possible in a fairly complex way. That is something you'd want and you'd want to think about how to do it an OS independent way (or again, choose an OS that at least aims for backward support) - my shallow Googling seems to indicate there's no standard support in "HTML5/CSS3/CoffeeScript" for this.

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