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I never said a single word about Python. Whether you contribute to packaging or not has nothing to do with whether you're posting false information. If anything, it makes what you've said worse. You should know better.

Just stop spreading misinformation. And the courteous thing to do is to acknowledge an error when it's pointed out instead of doubling down and redirecting as if no error was made.

The article is about python, the thread is about pinning dependencies in python.

> Using lock files is a good way to make sure your software never ends up in a distribution and in the hands of users.

> And how much rust software is packaged in distributions? Almost none.

> They haven't figured out the procedures

You're clearly talking about Rust in the second two comments. Your original comment was just a general pronouncement about lock files. You could perhaps be given the benefit of the doubt that you were only thinking about Python, but someone else interpreted your comment broadly to apply to any language with lock files. If you really only meant it to be specific Python, one would reasonably expect you to say, "Oh, sorry, I was only talking about Python. Not Rust. Their situation might be different."

But no. You doubled down and started spouting nonsense. And you continue to do so!

> Where dependency pinning is the norm, there is a culture of breaking API compatibility.

Rust does not have this problem. It is the norm to use lock files for Rust programs, but there is no culture of "breaking API compatibility" without appropriate signaling via semver.

This entire exchange is a classic example of Brandolini's law: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini%27s_law

It's easy for you to go off and spout bullshit. You've even been corrected by someone else who maintains distro packages. But it's a lot harder to correct it. You wriggle and squirm and rationalize and deflect.

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