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Afghanistan: Taliban closes universities to women (bbc.com)
13 points by sourpuss on Dec 20, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

$2.1 trillion spent on this country and look how it ended up. Anyways, their top officials sold out the population and bought million-dollar houses [1] in the US where their wards will get access to good education.

No matter how much you dress up a pig, it remains a pig.

1 - https://www.wsj.com/articles/high-ranking-afghan-officials-e...

The cynicism in the commentary or justifications regarding how Afghanistan was handled is really extraordinary. They can be summarized basically as such: "We've spent $x trillion and what did we! get in return?" "Do you expect our troops to stay for another 20 years?"

The country was invaded without much competent planning or regard for the consequences, it was then dominated and shaped by its occupiers for two decades, but somehow it's Afghanistan's own fault for being left with a heavily corrupt and untrustworthy government and military.

Just as with the Kurds, the US abandoned a hassle once the opportunity arrived.

Quite literally the opposite of progress. Sigh.

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