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> It's too late to make up for those ills. Move on and quit living in the past.

Do you apply the same viewpoint to everything else? When is too late? 1 year? 5 years? 50 years?

It took 45 years for Japanese American internees to get reparations. Was that too late? Should they have given up because they were living in the past?

In today's news, "Nazi secretary, 97, convicted for role in 10,000 murders at death camp". That was 75 years ago. Is that too late? Do you think the German prosecutors live in the past?

People right now are survivors of European colonial atrocities. Why shouldn't living Kenyans who were tortured by British troops get compensation for the Mau Mau rebellion?

> Why drag our children down with the ills done by our ancestors?

It appears that you want to teach our children that they can commit whatever atrocities they want in a less powerful country and, so long as they say "it's complicated" they can put off dealing with it forever.

Do you think the children of those tortured are so easy to forgive?

"Race" is a cultural creation meant to control people. I reject "white guilt" as being a meaningful concept since I've only seen it used as social control meant to keep others from doing what is right.

We need only to look at the long-held animosity between Irish and English to know that animosity does not disappear in a generation, and that "white guilt" is an artificial term.

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