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Check Out the Nostr Protocol (krisconstable.com)
2 points by cqwww on Dec 20, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments


> Damus Web is down because there is someone trying to exploit browser loopholes to steal private keys. I would not recommend using a web client at this time. Damus iOS is not affected.


I went to https://astral.ninja then used the authors key (af30bf9b7c8843a1f323699a8320a879dfee4b17512696fec39969db284af14a). I'm able to see who he is messaging [0]. Messages themselves are replaced with "???" but it's a big privacy issue for me that people can see who I'm conversing with as well as how often.

Despite that, I do think this looks cool? I cannot see this ever hitting mainstream and will certainly never challenge Twitter but the ideas presented are neat. I might be playing around with this tonight.

0: https://imgur.com/a/BUNXQRE

Keep in mind this is a brand new protocol, but the exciting thing is development is happening very rapidly and you can be on the ground floor. I'm bullish on this protocol and speculate it will challenge Twitter as clients, relays, and the protocol improve.

A day or two ago someone was trying an XSS on the web clients, including Damus web, so they've been taken down until resolved. Use nos2x or alby if you're using a web client, instead of inputting your private key into the web app manually.

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