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That seems to completely forget the fact that libraries exist, that A LOT of bugs can happen calling libraries, and that you're not really supposed to unit test libraries, they are supposed to have their own tests.

Unit tests test the parts of the library that are in use implicitly.

As does integration testing, user acceptance testing and whole system testing (QA engineers, frontend testing, etc.)

Nothing has been forgotten. Python isn't Java, nor should you develop your Python code as if it were Java. Python has it's own software development practices that take advantage of the language's strengths including dynamic typing.

It you don't know how to work with a dynamically typed language properly, that's on you. And I guarantee you will get poor results pretending it's a statically typed language.

> It you don't know how to work with a dynamically typed language properly, that's on you. And I guarantee you will get poor results pretending it's a statically typed language.

Insulting me won't make you a better developer nor a better person :)

Getting started with type hints is not easy, but it can be done incrementally and it is worth it.

If you haven't used them, please learn before insulting people who are more experienced than you.

Using static typing in a dynamically typed language will always make you a poor software engineer who doesn't understand the tools they use nor the engineering trade-offs involved.

But sure continue to hammer in nails with a screwdriver, it's only your own time you are wasting.

And I've noticed you failed to provide any sources whatsoever for your nonsense.

> And I've noticed you failed to provide any sources whatsoever for your nonsense.

As opposed to your 404 "peer reviewed paper"? :D

> Using static typing in a dynamically typed language will always make you a poor software engineer

Making broad statements about things you've never used yourself just makes you an arrogant guy on the internet who is quite likely to be a poor software engineer with a big ego.

I'm sure you could find it on Google Scholar. I'm not your personal googler.

My wages disagree with that statement. But hey, we can't all be 10x.

Did it ever occur to you to think about why people use scripting languages or what advantages they have over regular programming languages?

Of course not, you are used to statically typed languages and are blinded to the idea that there are other ways to develop software.

I'm guessing you did a search for sources to backup what you are saying and found out pretty quickly that they don't exist.

Static typing in Python is a practice based entirely in common ignorance not reality.

Your "sources" were a blog with opinions based on questionable statistics methods and a stackoverflow with a 404 link.

> My wages disagree with that statement. But hey, we can't all be 10x.

Just a hint: this screams insecurity.

Wealth does not correlate with knowledge.

Especially since you don't even use type hints, so you have no professional experience with them. Just an ill formed opinion by reading blogs and comments.

> Did it ever occur to you to think about why people use scripting languages or what advantages they have over regular programming languages?

No compilation time? Very complete standard library? Opt-in typing? Good introspection? Numpy?

> Of course not, you are used to statically typed languages and are blinded to the idea that there are other ways to develop software.

I was doing python long before type hints existed, and I assure you they are an advantage. Now, I understand you lack the expertise to realise that. I'm just saying that insulting me won't make you correct.

> I'm guessing you did a search for sources to backup what you are saying and found out pretty quickly that they don't exist.

I did not bother. The fact that microsoft, google and facebook invest money into it is proof enough. You reject it because you're being irrational.

> Static typing in Python is a practice based entirely in common ignorance not reality.

I wish I could sound so bold and certain when being wrong!

"I did not bother. The fact that microsoft, google and facebook invest money into it is proof enough. You reject it because you're being irrational."

Basically, you are saying you are a cargo cultist rather than a serious software developer.

You fail to understand that the software practices of large multi-national companies are rarely good.

Good luck flying your plane: https://www.abyssapexzine.com/2020/03/cargo-cult/

> Basically, you are saying you are a cargo cultist rather than a serious software developer.

No. I'm saying I tried both ways and I know advantages and disadvantages and I'm capable of deciding by myself.

You on the other hand did not try both but feign expertise.

> Good luck flying your plane: https://www.abyssapexzine.com/2020/03/cargo-cult/

Yes everybody knows what a cargo cult is. It's not some sort of intellectual remark. More of a random thing to say on the internet when you have no real arguments.

But good to know you can find sources… when they happen to exist :)

No offense, but it's like a textbook on awful debates.

Your best arguments are: "big guys are doing it therefore it's good for me too" (argument from authority) and "I tried both and decided only one is good" (argument from authority/anecdotal evidence). Plus a ton of ad hominems.

To be fair, your opponent isn't very different.

Awful debate indeed.

I asked for sources and got a 404 link as a response.

I'm told that I earn less money, hence I'm not as good (despite the other person having no idea of how much i earn).

> To be fair, your opponent isn't very different.

And yet, you felt the need to respond to me…

You literally told me that you are a cargo cultist and your words should not to be listened to in your previous comment.

No one who has really tried both would conclude that static typing is better hence I know you are lying. :p

> You literally told me that you are a cargo cultist and your words should not to be listened to in your previous comment.

I did no such thing. But after hours of you writing lies, I'm not surprised you wrote another one.

> No one who has really tried both would conclude that static typing is better hence I know you are lying. :p

In 10-15 years, when you will actually have some non-made-up programming experience, you will agree with me :)

I don't remember writing any lies. Additionally, we can just read what you read several comments ago. So what do you think you are playing at?

Nah, I'm more qualified than you. You just don't want to hear that you are wrong.

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