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A few new things in Emacs 29 (mbork.pl)
119 points by Amorymeltzer on Dec 19, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 43 comments

> (It never ceases to amaze me that MS Word and its ilk do not seem to have equivalents of view-lossage or describe-key or where-is. Or am I mistaken?)

(I'm guessing the author means VS Code, not MS Word here?)

There are some features of Emacs that are amazingly useful, have been there for years (or decades), but which I haven't yet managed to find in any other editor. For example, regional undo: select a region of text and step back through changes in that region only.

> (I'm guessing the author means VS Code, not MS Word here?)

The author might mean MS Word. I definitely had this thought about a lot of software of all kinds, not just editors/IDEs. The two the author highlighted - view-lossage and describe-key, are to answer the questions "what sequence of keys/operations I've just performed?", and "what does this key/key sequence do, here, in this context?".

The former is useful if you e.g. mistype or type at a wrong moment, invoking some random actions in the program, and now you're wondering what exactly did you do. Also, since it's Emacs, there's actually a quick way to turn lossage into a keyboard macro and clean it up - so if you figured you want to repeat some sequence of operations after you've already done it once, you don't have to record it from scratch.

describe-key approximation exists in some software, typically via the "keyboard binding" preferences dialog containing a textbox for looking up commands by assigned keyboard shortcut. Alas, besides being a worse UX, this will only show you global assignments (or, sometimes, divided by categories). describe-key excels by showing you context-aware help, i.e. it literally tells you what command will be invoked if you press a given key sequence exactly where you are right now.

Author here. Definitely meant MS Word. I know a few people using VSCode, and I never heard any one of them saying "I clicked/typed something and something strange happened". OTOH, this is pretty common with MS Word.

Ha, sorry mbork_pl :)

I just assumed that you were comparing coding environments, but now I come to think about it, something like view-lossage could be really useful for a WYSIWYG editor.

I already forgot that feature.

vscode or msword.. doesn't really matter in a way, any keyboard heavy application could give users the history of keypressed, it's natural and often useful

tiny side note, word used to have inline macro tags (dos version 6 IIRC), so one could type

{ if YEAR > 1987 } text { end if }

it was straighforward, and now replaced by GUI heavy systems, user interaction has regressed in a way

> regional undo

Is that from a package?

Not, it's build in: when you undo with a region highlighted the undo is limited to the content of this region.

Really nice when you made changes elsewhere and realize late that you made a mistake (but not too late: the undo info must still be present of course).

Nope, i think it’s enabled automatically.

> (I'm guessing the author means VS Code, not MS Word here?)

I took that to mean that the author painted all non-emacs editors as not really being useful editors.

That's not reading between the lines, that's just inventing a new article.

I'm pretty sure it was a fair reading, for people who read the article.

The article discussed the option of throwing 40 years of development out the window or borrowing/imitating things from emacs/vim. Then the MS Word comment was made, "It never ceases to amaze me that MS Word and its ilk do not seem to have equivalents of ..."

I'm pretty sure you are reading what you want to tread instead of what is written.

> The article discussed the option of throwing 40 years of development out the window or borrowing/imitating things from emacs/vim.

The article says that even in a 40 y.o. piece of software such as emacs, low-hanging fruits can be found; and thus, that people writing new editors should take inspiration from features from vim/emacs when creating their own, and stand on the shoulders of 40 years of incremental improvements.

Then, as an aside, he remarks that he's surprised that MS Word has not borrowed the lossage feature from emacs – with which I agree: when I accidentally hit keys and break a document, it would be useful to know which key I hit, and which functions I triggered.

Emacs 29 contains so many things OOB that it has completely eliminated the use of 70-80% of the packages I use in my day-to-day job:

- use-package built in

- csharp-mode (now built in)

- typescript-mode (now built in)

- same with json-mode too.

- project.el instead of projectile

- eglot (now built in) over lsp-mode

As far as Emacs releases goes this one has more functionality packed than I can remember in any previous release ever.

I already use use-package, so that's great... I also use projectile and it's been working great... how should I prepare to move to project.el? Are there any guides? Or things just work the same I am used to, and I just need to delete projectile once upgrading?

I also use lsp-* for all IDE features... is eglot going to be the better choice here for every language?? LSP works with Go, Dart, Java, Zig, Rust, Lua... do I need to remove all my config for those to use eglot??

> how should I prepare to move to project.el? Are there any guides? #

I recently switched from projectile to project and I noticed essentially zero changes. If you're not doing anything particularly custom you might not even notice.


I tried switching to project.el, but eventually decided it's too bare-bones for me.

As far as I'm concerned, project.el lacks the following features OOTB:

1. Something like the .projectile file to mark a folder as a project (without VCS).

2. Support for ag, rg and vterm.

3. Register new project types (to customize configure commands, compile commands, etc.)

4. Regenerate tags.

5. The ability to find the "other file" (x.h <-> x.c) across the project.

And this list is incomplete! So if you rely on any of the above, I suggest not migrating to a project.el-only setup.

> I also use lsp-* for all IDE features... is eglot going to be the better choice here for every language?? LSP works with Go, Dart, Java, Zig, Rust, Lua... do I need to remove all my config for those to use eglot??

eglot is just another (awkwardly named) lsp-client. It uses the exact same servers as lsp-mode does.

You’ll need to adapt some hooks and key-bindings, but in terms of capabilities you shouldn’t be losing out.

I agree that Emacs 29 contains many improvements, thanks to all of the developers and documentation writers.

I am more excited by Emacs 30, mostly I like the ahead of time compilation of Lisp code.

> I am more excited by Emacs 30, mostly I like the ahead of time compilation of Lisp code.

Emacs has had an ahead of time compilation feature, "Native Compilation," since Emacs 28. Is this what you mean? Or is the Emacs 30 feature something different?

there's a flag to decide if you want AOT or on-load/on-demand native comp

Emacs 28 has just in time compilation: the compilation happens lazily as a package is loaded. Ahead of time would means at installation time I guess.

That is y understanding also.

AOT is coming in 29.1.

Emacs 29 is now a fully fledged SQLite client, which for me is one of the neatest new features.

As an emacs user who has never paid much attention to the development pace, is it just that people talk more about Emacs or is there actually more momentum around it these days because it feels that way. Which is kind of amazing for a piece of software that old.

Probably both IMO. Since melpa there's been an increase in contributions (it helps not having to be license compatible like core emacs extensions I guess), and even then there was heavy work like native-comp that landed very very rapidly.

Does anyone have any recommendations on Emacs performance tweaks on large codebases? I used Emacs (Evil mode) for about a year, but then switched to VSCode simply because the latency spikes while editing drove me nuts. VSCode has these too, but not as frequently or severely.

My Emacs is reporting that `count-words` was "Probably introduced at or before Emacs version 24.1." but good post regardless.

I think the author means that count-words already existed, but only reported words and characters. Now it also reports the amount of sentences.

That's entirely my bad. Reread it and it was obvious what was being said!

> *now also reports the number of sentences*

Emphasis added.

WOW That means Emacs has the smarts now to decide where a full stop ends a sentence and can follow up with double spacing.

> The sentence commands assume that you follow the American typist’s convention of putting two spaces at the end of a sentence. That is, a sentence ends wherever there is a ‘.’, ‘?’ or ‘!’ followed by the end of a line or two spaces, with any number of ‘)’, ‘]’, ‘'’, or ‘"’ characters allowed in between. A sentence also begins or ends wherever a paragraph begins or ends. It is useful to follow this convention, because it allows the Emacs sentence commands to distinguish between periods that end a sentence and periods that indicate abbreviations.


Of course Emacs has a configuration option you can toggle which disables the need for a double space after a sentence.

That's a good convention for people taught typing on a typewriter but pretty bad for younger folks.

Disagree. I wasn't taught on a typewriter, (although my mother did teach typing), but any plain text will be aided by that convention.

Yes, it's not necessary with justified text when using (for example) TeX.

But seeing a solid wall of text in a long paragraph with no hints as to its sentence structure other than a tiny "."? No thanks.

Perhaps this is true but the convention is no longer in use pedagogically.

That's odd, as Emacs had this function long before being ported to C/elisp, i.e. over 40 years ago.

Over 40 years ago is definitely "at or before" Emacs 24.1. Specifically before.

As far as I can tell, the "probably introduced at or before" info comes from finding a symbol's first appearance in NEWS. So if there were no changes to `count-words` between Emacs 1 and 24, this is what you'd get.

Wishing for M-x chatgpt in Emacs 30

Another feature is that you can now run VS Code inside, so now Emacs finally has a decent text editor:


You've been able to do that with exwm for many years.

Is this VS Code running in an internal Webbrowser of emacs? Webkit then I guess?

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