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You don't get. One dude pay once 1.8 mln and Tesla on twitter is permanently banned or deleted for everyone.

I even got idea for additional micro service. If you got banned by this payed action you can unban for payment 2xbanned amount. So Tesla company pay 1.8 mln to person that banned it and 1.8 mln to twitter and it will get unbanned/undeleted.

You're onto something: micro-transactions for tres commas club.

Pay $1.8M USD and there's a chance it gets banned. If you pay $1M a month the chances are doubled on Tuesdays, but only if you compliment Elon on the latest #elongate once daily. Successfully ban one account a week, and at the end of the season you get a Dogecoin-backed NFT tied to your username, freely tradable on #elonchain but 90% of sale proceeds go to the Trust and Safety budget covering the ChatGPT API calls checking if Twits should be banned. If you collect 50 DogeNFTs, you can buy Twitter from Elon.

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