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LunarVim (lunarvim.org)
2 points by ocimbote on Dec 18, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Yet another "I want Vim but I don't want Vim" package for the conflicted newbie.

I’m one of these newbies, who want to learn vim but already have experience with other IDEs. Having a project with sensible defaults like lvim is a great starting point for me. I just can’t go through learning/configuring everything from scratch in my daily business. With lvim I already have the features I depend on in other IDEs ready to go. So I “only” need to learn vim core editing syntax.

Reading the help does not help all the time when starting from scratch even more for non native English speakers

> I just can’t go through learning/configuring everything from scratch in my daily business.

Well, you don't have to. You already have your IDE and Vim is certainly not a hard requirement for your job anyway so you can keep using your trusted IDE and learn Vim on the side, properly, at your own rhythm.

> So I “only” need to learn vim core editing syntax.

You can also do that _within_ your IDE.

> Reading the help does not help all the time when starting from scratch even more for non native English speakers

You would know this is nonsense if you had actually opened it.

I'm having a different perspective here. I've been using vim for 10+ years and followed closely the explosion of new plugins and the emergence of neovim.

After spending way too much time configuring my own vimrc and reading others', I'm happy I've found this community a driven package. It's better, smarter and more polished than what I could have built myself, and I like the defaults.

So, in fact, it also suits the not-so newbies who want good dedaults and openness for configuration.

> After spending way too much time configuring my own vimrc and reading others'

It didn't have to be that way.

Where were you ten years ago when I asked Google for my first tutorials?

I was already vimming efficiently because I chose to ignore all those poorly written and factually wrong "tutorials" written by over-excited but under-experimented newbies. Instead, I followed the often overlooked built-in user manual, which taught me everything I needed in the most gentle and iterative way possible.

Vim is one of those tools where a couple of months of proper studying and deliberate practice puts you in a better place than 10 or 20 years of random fiddling.

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