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BASIC itself was written in Assembler, with the nearest thing to a procedure call was the 'JMP' instruction. It's amazing how any of such scale software was written in Assembler. See here https://github.com/microsoft/GW-BASIC

Hal Finney (yes, that Hal) wrote a BASIC interpreter in a 2K EPROM in the 1970s. Quite an achievement!

That left no room for error messages. Hal proudly showed me his solution. It was one error message for all errors:

consuming only 3 bytes!

The 'Level I' BASIC in the TRS80 managed to distinguish three errors

What a difference 4K made!

Interesting! Are the roms available on any emulator where I could try it?

Most microprocessors include some sort of a procedure call and return instructions, such as CALL and RET on the 8080/Z-80/x86, as well as stack push and pop instructions.

RISC type processors can usually store the return address in a register and jump to an address stored in a register. On ARM you can also do an x86-like return with pop {pc}.

Many large programs such the first Unix kernel, and many video games, were written in assembly language.

My experience is that assembly language seems fine when you're writing it, but it's a pain when you go back some months later and try to read it. Good structure and comments help. I just read and wrote some RISC-V assembly language and it wasn't terrible, even though I'd never used RISC-V before. Writing assembly language makes you appreciate why (and how) programming languages exist.

yes, I just remembered! JMP is more like an if...then. There was a JSR (Jump to Sub Routine) instruction on the good old C64, good times!

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