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Musk's Twitter blocked links to rival Mastodon, could raise alarms with regu... (cnn.com)
14 points by ColinWright on Dec 17, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Something something a private company.

And also who cares? It’s a dying platform anyway right?

Ah yes, the dual conflicting narratives of the legacy media.

Twitter is simultaneously dying yet more powerful than ever.

Musk is both a baffoon who got lucky (4 times) and also an evil rich mastermind genius.

He is going to run the company into the ground while also taking over the world.

These narratives are so tiring and obviously full of it that you have to wonder how NPCs download this stuff on a daily basis without overheating.

Whether a company is public or private has no bearing whatsoever on whether its behavior is anticompetitive.

Private companies have to follow legal regulations the same as public companies do, generally speaking.

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