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The whole world needs this. Especially with the absolutely terrifying North Carolina incident.

Green energy is no longer just about the green, we need decentralization to protect against people who don't want us to have electricity at all.

When we finally move on from lithium, maybe they'll start requiring battery backups too.

Not against the rules but as an interesting data point, somehow Australia has just about archived this with no mandates. I’d say about 80% of buildings, commercial and residential have solar installed.

There have been financial incentives from the government though.

The financial incentives drove this, 100%.

As an Australian, with solar panels, and a not-too-terrible feed in tariff, I'm hoping we can cram more energy production in to less space from solar so that I can upgrade my system in the decade to come, hopefully to match the hybrid I'd like to buy that doesn't yet exist :)

Hopefully by then all the hybrids will have ultrathin panels on the roof and you might not even need as much fixed solar!

What "North Carolina incident" are you referring to?

Thanks for the clarification. I've been out of the country for a week, and that was an alarming sentence to read while waiting to board a Charlotte-bound flight!

How decentralised exactly solar energy source is when manufacturing is 95% depndent on China?

It might not decentralize economic power but it decentralizes how many places a terrorist needs to hit to take down the grid, which is the big reliability concern.

Plus, even if the supply chain went away we'd have decades to build plants before existing panels became unusable.

It's a problem not to have our own panel factories, but that's a problem we can fix.

Technically so is protecting substations, but it doesn't seem like there's that much interest in it, nor is there much research on hardening against another Carrington event.

"Decentralization" that is needed because of unstable energy prices caused by pathological politics and green ideology fail itself if offer solution from China.

While I agree with decentralization, definitely not because of "terrorism", but because of government "regulations". Lobby is strong and usually not in favor of citizens. Current situation in EU with energy prices is model example, how centralized supply of energy is weak. Water will be next.

But please... No dependency on totalitarian China.

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