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‘We killed them’: Queensland shooters posted video online after attack (crikey.com.au)
7 points by tragicjoe on Dec 16, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

In that region the legal loophole of writing off continued harassment as "wellness checks" is a known problem.

Trespassing is a crime not just of technicality and human beings are as territorial as any other mammal, they will use lethal force if they reasonably feel threatened.

In the Midwest USA the public servants are cognizant of this. If you think cops or sheriffs in the states are bad, wait 'till you learn how corrupt Aussie cops are.

Weird that I have never heard about wellness checks being harrasment since I have lived and worked in the general area for a long time. I think you are just regurgitating conspiracy theory talking points you have heard elsewhere on the internet.

"No-one ever died because of social media" was garbage when pg said it, and this is yet more evidence.

How exactly did social media kill anyone here?

Spreading conspiracy theories that polluted their minds so much they became killers.

Perhaps this is the results of a combination of methamphetamine use, mixed with hype religious and conspiracy beliefs.

Edit: Add;

What are the long-term effects of methamphetamine misuse? : https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/methamphe...

Methamphetamine use causes cognitive impairment and altered decision-making : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30611760/

Methamphetamine use and cognitive function - A systematic review of neuroimaging research : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30414539/

Gareth Train seems to have always been some sort of psychopath. I don't understand how he maintained his job at Qld Ed for so long.

Would be interesting to look at his ( and the whole families ) DNA for precursors.

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