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I'm honestly not sure there could be a more unreliable source for this

Shkreli is live streaming this right now and somebody on his voice chat just said to him "No offense Martin, but you're probably the last person I would go to if I had incontrovertible evidence of Satoshi's identity"

For all the horrendous shit that this Shkreli guy is known for, I always think of his Microsoft Excel skills first.

I always wonder why people are so impressed about his excel skills.

I have seen many people in BI being much better. He just knows his shortcuts and pivot tables, this is standard stuff.

And the mayor discipline, if anything, are customized macros which run cross device for a whole department, like opening one reports, filtering the data, creating a new file with a date stamp etc and sending reports and stats.

It doesn't impress me now but it was the first exposure I had to see Excel being used fluently. I later learned that it was very common in the world of finance and nothing exactly impressive. It's like how I impress somebody with my mediocre sql skills until they see a real dba in action.

Do you rate SBF as a source more or less credible than Shkreli?

Five years from now SBF will be a Kevin Mitnick-type providing talking head advice about the future scammer du jour, teleconferencing in alongside Elizabeth Holmes from their respective prisons, while elder scamsman Shkreli moderates.

The cryptography checks out. The source is irrelevant, might as well be from Trump.

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