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cbtacy on Dec 12, 2022 | hide | past | favorite

According to Elon Musk the US created a virus that killed 17+ million people around the world.

Has he thought out how much he puts Americans in risk of attacks around the world by pushing that lie?

I'm European so I don't expect lynchings of Americans in my country but I doubt the rest of the world will show the same restraint if they end up believing Elon Musk's reckless lies.

It seems he does not think.

Was he not involved in GoF research at the Wuhan lab? This is common knowledge now, no?

I am confused which part is the lie

Washington Post goes full UK Tabloid

> n follow-up tweets Saturday, he misrepresented a section of a graduate thesis from recently departed safety chief Yoel Roth. “Looks like Yoel is arguing in favor of children being able to access adult Internet services in his PhD thesis,” he wrote.

Hardly full QAnon, and less of a stretch than twisting RMS's (retracted) words into "he endorsed child sex!" ... Which episode wasn't associated with QAnon at the time as far as I recall, either.

If being leery of children being sexually exploited by adults is "full QAnon" now then we are legion.

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