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Well the obvious solution would be ASCII 0x1D (Group Separator)! Accept, no one actually uses those ASCII characters. Kind of bums me out that UNIX basically skipped out on them.

I agree. Lots of discussion related to proposing that here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31220841

It's not a separator character, but at least vim and emacs acknowledge the page feed character. A pittance, I suppose.

> It's not a separator character,

Isn't it? I thought all the separator characters (0x1e, 0x1f, 0x1c) were specifically for delimiting records, fields and units.

What are they for?

They’re saying that “page feed character” (I’m guessing form feed) is acknowledged by Emacs, in contrast to those separator characters.

I think it’s used to mark sections in Emacs Lisp code.

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