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YC generative AI themed co-founder speed-dating event (ycombinator.com)
2 points by catherynl on Dec 9, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

As you may know, generative AI is a hot and popular topic in the world of technology and entrepreneurship. YC is hosting a virtual generative AI themed co-founder speed-dating event on Saturday, December 17th at 11am PST. This is a great opportunity to meet other passionate and creative individuals who are interested in using generative AI to drive innovation. You'll have the chance to pitch your idea, listen to others' pitches, and connect with potential co-founders. Our AI-powered matchmaking algorithm will help you find the perfect partner.

PS: This hacker news text was written by ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI.

I searched for it and couldn't find the event

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