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Google Faces a Serious Threat from ChatGPT (bloomberg.com)
4 points by helsinkiandrew on Dec 8, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

i dont know... i still havent tested chatGPT for some unknown reason. anyways, i "believe" i will have some trouble. I grew up when using a search engine from "yahoo directory" meant teaching about operators, only using keywords, avoiding superflous text. Case in point, if i wanted to search 'best' laptop, i learned to do

"laptop + review + budget + 2022 NOT chromebook"

while "normies" use

"what is the best budget laptop to buy for college student studying law"

i never got around NLP. same for openai/stability. (i get stumped at prompting)

i understand these new neural/whatever buzzword text engines are for casual internet users and maybe they will succeed and in a way, its good because yesterday i read about chatGPT giving made up references and users KNOW these are bad while in going conventional search, you never know or are trained to accept as "gospel"...

don't know why i am rambling, i will show myself out

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