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At some point we have to accept that this is the People of North Koreas fault. They are very aware that their country is massively worse off than the rest of the world, yet they don't murder their kings.


> They are very aware that their country is massively worse off than the rest of the world

That's not necessarily true. They don't have access to the internet or foreign media. Only propaganda.

> yet they don't murder their kings

If it was that easy, every country would be a democracy.

>> yet they don't murder their kings

> If it was that easy, every country would be a democracy.

If it was that easy, every country would be ruled by the group of people that is best at killing kings.

Seems about right for the modern age if you look at history and how many "kings" have been killed

>That's not necessarily true. They don't have access to the internet or foreign media. Only propaganda.

That's wildly inaccurate, read "Nothing to Envy" then educate yourself on advancements in censorship circumvention since then -- they regularly get movies and films on USB paired with broadcasts into border regions.

There are currently people in Russia with near-unlimited access to internet (and until quite recently with near-unlimited access to travel) who sincerely believe that the West is hell on Earth.

You greatly underestimate the power of propaganda.

There are currently people in the USA with near-unlimited access to internet who sincerely believe that Russia is hell on Earth.

Russia is hell on earth within some respects and that doesn’t mean the US isn’t when it comes to others. It’s subjective what it means hell on earth but neither the US nor Russia take the medal for worst place in the world to be.

Speaking as an American... they can stay in Russia then, more power to them.

I remember seeing a video of two guys just walking holding hands and the entire town basically ready to jump them, not knowing there was a camera going.

If they want to live like victims, fine, that's a choice you can make, I just don't want them exporting their insanity.

People don't know how brutal oppression can be.

Go and read what's happening now in Iran. Random people are being killed in streets. Teenager girls are kidnapped and then when they're released many days later they're raped many many times. People have no media. The government uses military equipment against people.

And Iran is nowhere a dictatorship like NK.

You can also blame the average american for contributing to american imperialism and its vast amount of coups, invasions and terrorism

There is absolutely a fraction of blame to be shared by the population of superpowers such US, China and Russia.

The US has yet to murder its war criminals, as they keep drone bombing and invading. Is it the fault of the people of the US?

It seems that many seem to love their king. Why shouldn't they? All information they have received for multiple generations says their king is the greatest.

Both China and the US actively support the regime in material terms.

How exactly does US support it?

The US has sent large quantities of food and fuel. Specifically during famine periods (when uprisings would otherwise have been likely) but also at other times. The US gave these goods specifically to the regime allowing them to control the food supply AND keep their forces mobile when otherwise they would have faced a starving population with very limited military capacity.

It's been a very weird thing to watch for 20 years: when it looks like the North Korean system might fail, the US leads assistance to it. Then when it recovers and returns to it's weapons program the US does nothing. That's how we got into a place where North Korea has functional nuclear weapons and will soon have the missiles to deliver them to the whole USA. At that point the US will just have to keep subsidising the regime. It's been decades of mismanagement of the situation over at least 4 administrations.

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