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Ask HN: Pocket size e-ink with stylus?
5 points by smusamashah on Dec 5, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
Google search didn't find me anything like that.

Is there a tiny e-ink note taking device with a stylus which you can fit in your jeans pockets? It would be very handy to have something like that with you, even better if it could fit in wallet.

It looks like it needs special paper to work. Even if to does not, pen alone isn't enough to retrieve the notes back.

You might want to look at Hisense's line of e-ink smartphones, which are as small as 5".

Search for "e-ink smartphone" and you'll turn up review pages such as:


Among the smallest devices I've seen is the DoCoMo Card Keitai KY-01L, though I don't know if it offers notetaking. It has a 2.8" display (diagonal measure).


Note that the software matters, as depending on the level of interpretation going on there may be considerable pen lag.

If the pocketable requirement isn't a hard one (or you have large pockets), an e-ink reader starting at about 6--7" is far more usable. You'd be looking at devices similar to the Onyx BOOX Poke 3:


I have a larger Onyx device and can vouch for its notetaking app (something I'd not expected to use at all but find quite hand). There is no noticeable lag when writing. I've seen some in complex graphics (many strokes / elements, usually created by repeatedly copying a fundamental image block).

Most digital notepads seem to be 10" or 13" devices:



There's a similar question from Reddit:


I would not suggest putting an e-ink device in a wallet. You will crack the display or mainboard. A reporter's paper notepad might be what you're looking for instead.

I own a remarkable 2. I really like what it offers but I want something similar but in a pocket able pakage. It will be little device to note down random stuff on the go.

May be I just need a phone with stylus. But phone is already too much distraction.

I really hope someone makes an eink device like that.

Pretty much my prior answer: I'm not aware of such a small device, the note-taking SW itself is an issue, and basic note-taking tablets tend to be larger.

Anything as small as you describe would be quite limited in any other capabilities, and would almost certainly offer phone functionality.

What's your aversion to paper? Note that you could scan that in later if you wanted electronic notes.

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