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Someone already mentioned that. That only works if you restrict yourself to JavaScript in the browser. There's a huge ecosystem for using JavaScript outside of the browser.

It’s not very useful to talk about the memory safety of languages as a whole without looking at specific implementations. JavaScript in a browser is memory safe. JavaScript with access to /proc/mem is no longer memory safe. C on most hardware is not memory safe. C running on the abstract machine itself can be.

This looks like a comment in response to https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33820918 and not to me.

The high level idea of my original rebuke was this idea that Rust was somehow lesser because it isn't "entirely" memory safe, and that its purpose was to divide safe from unsafe. But that really misses some very big points, because the programming language implementations used to build programs virtually everywhere are similarly not "entirely" memory safe, and many many many languages before Rust divided safe from unsafe.

Notice how I modified my rebuke to include your caveat. Does my point change? Does the strength of my rebuttal change? Does anything materially change at all, other than using yet more word vomit to account for caveat? No, I don't think there's anything materially different other than more words.

I tried to sidestep all of this by using the weasel word "practical." So next time I'll just say, "any practical non-sandboxed programming language." You might still chide me for confusing "programming language" with "implementation of programming language," but I've never much cared for that semantic because the ambiguity is almost always obviously resolvable from the context.

> It’s not very useful to talk about the memory safety of languages as a whole without looking at specific implementations.

Not sure I would agree with this, but it probably depends on what you mean. We can meaningfully discuss the memory safety properties of the programming languages (not just the implementations) of Rust, C and C++. I think you have to still acknowledge the practical realities of any particular implementation that others will use to build real programs, but I contend you need not do so more than what the language design does on its own already. Because languages aren't designed in a vacuum. Even if you can build an abstract machine, for example, C was not designed to be an abstract machine. It was designed to get stuff done in the real world, and the real world influenced that design. Same for Rust.

Things like CHERI will potentially change this conversation quite a bit. I was even thinking about it when I wrote my original comment in this thread. But I think it is, at present, covered by the weasel word "practical." It isn't practical to use CHERI yet, as far as I know.

I should probably preface this comment by mentioning that I don't think there is anything new in it for either of us. Nor do I think we actually disagree on any of the facts. My earlier comment, and this one, was really just a response predicated on what I think the colloquial meaning of "memory safety" is, and to whether a practical language can be "truly memory safe"…which of course depends on what you see a programming language as being.

Memory safety is, as you have already mentioned, not black and white: I wouldn't even put it on an axis, because that suggests the scale is one-dimensional, and I don't even think it is practical to discuss it in that context. I prefer to categorize languages (for a definition of "language") in a couple of rough groups where most of them hang out.

In the first group is C and C++ as you're typically used to it, where pretty much every operation can do something unsafe and there's really no safe subset of the language, much less safety by default.

The second group is the "safe by default" languages like Rust or Python or Java, were you can write functional programs in the entirely safe subset (which is usually the default). This is where things get more complicated, though, because what the unsafe bits look like differ. Some give you language-level constructs to do unsafe things, such as Rust (with unsafe) and Java (with sun.misc.Unsafe or whatever). I think CPython technically also falls here because of some weird implementation choices where you can corrupt memory, but it's really more of being in the other category where you can do unsafe things via FFI and external interfaces. That's kind of where most Lua implementations live, or nodejs stuff.

Then you have the things which (usually intentionally) do not give you any of these things. That's JavaScript or WebAssembly in a browser. The final stop in this line is where you start placing significant limits to what the language itself can do, such as eBPF running in the kernel, or domain-specific parsers like WUFFS.

I've been pretty sloppy with what I call a "language" here, because you can always take a programming language and slap memory safety on it: though not trivial, you can sandbox it, pick some subsets of it, put in hardware, etc. (FWIW CHERI doesn't actually make C/C++ completely memory safe, it just helps.) And going the other way is pretty easy, you just add features to let programs mess with the execution environment.

I get that the comment that you're replying to is trying to well acktually you and I agree with the rest of your response, but the takeaway I have here is "you [the commenter you were responding to originally are coming in with a definition of memory safety, yes in this context Rust does have these escape hatches and this is what they do, but in vernacular it is safe because this is how we typically evaluate languages for this sort of thing". Which, again, is like 90% of what you wrote already, I just think that it is probably worth bringing up that there is a pretty common environment for a popular language that actually takes things a step further than this, with whatever tradeoffs that entails. Not really a disagreement, just a "hey I think this is worth mentioning".

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