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> which in 20 years it will, and I wasn't that hopeful 20 years ago

That's too optimistic. C++ would easily die in 20 years if it didn't already have 30+ years of still-active legacy that can't easily be converted or rewritten.

I've recently even had to start new projects in C++ because platforms I depend on demand it or because I have to interface with existing code and libraries that still only exist as C++. I'm not a fan of the language by any means, but I'll eat my shoe if it's "dead" in 20 years for anything except maybe greenfield development.

Dead - no, dying COBOL-style - quite possibly.

How much C and C++ do we have now? How much COBOL did we have at it's peak? I'm not sure the analogy holds for that reason alone.

What if the better analogy is updating building codes in Manhattan?

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