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No language in use meets your definition of memory safe.

Perhaps the problem is with the term "memory safe".

No language can prevent a person from allocating a writable buffer, then reusing it without cleaning it. Do that on a server, and you have step 1 to a security vulnerability.

If requests to allocate memory come faster than the garbage can be collected.

Or a data container holding many/large references that will never be used. The difference between that and a lost pointer in C are moot in a practical sense.

All of these _can_ be prevented. But it's programmer care, rather than the language, that prevents them. Hence, the term "memory safe" is inaccurate. "Memory safer" would be more accurate, but far less catchy.

Yes, but this problem exists everywhere all the time in virtually any context, even outside of technology. It's a very general problem that plagues communication. My perspective on the matter is the following:

1. We love to simplify matters down to black & white thinking with absolutist statements.

2. Attention spans are short (and probably getting shorter), so we try very hard to be pithy.

3. General seeming statements are actually narrower than they appear.

4. When taking a statement at its literal absolutist meaning leads you to an absurd conclusion, you're "supposed" to use your own judgment to interpret it imprecisely rather than ridiculously.

"memory safety" fits these criteria pretty well, especially the third point. Clearly, you really can't have a programming language be practical/general-purpose while simultaneously being completely and totally "memory safe." It's just ridiculous given our current predominant operating systems and architectures. The pithiness of "memory safety" relies on you, dear reader, knowing that and interpreting "memory safety" as something more reasonable than that.

> No language can prevent a person from allocating a writable buffer, then reusing it without cleaning it. Do that on a server, and you have step 1 to a security vulnerability.

This is a good example of (4), where you interpret something generally, but it's actually much narrower. When folks say "memory safety," they are not referring to the problem you speak of here. The problem you speak of might be a vulnerability, but it is not, in and of itself, something that would be recognized as memory safety. A memory safety bug could lead to the circumstances you describe, but it is not necessary. (Some people like to claim that other people think memory safety is the only kind of safety that matters, but few people with any credibility actually espouse that view as far as I'm aware. But it's important to call out: if you fixed every single memory safety issue ever, you would not fix every single security or vulnerability issue.)

The important life lesson here is that jargon is abound, and a good skill to pick up is knowing when to recognize it. If we go around interpreting every very literally, it's going to be a bad time.

We could also stubbornly demand that everyone use crystal clear, unambiguous, precise and accurate terms all of the time everywhere so that nobody ever gets confused about anything ever again. But of course, I'm quite certain that is simply not possible.

Ada seems to fit.

Ada has no "unsafe"? Ada has no ffi? Ada has no escape hatches or unchecked APIs whatsoever? Does it have any pragmas that can disable safe checking? Because if it does, it's not "entirely" memory safe.

Ada has "unchecked" operations:

Unchecked Access (unsafe pointers): http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/22rm/html/RM-13-10.html#I5...

Unchecked Deallocations ("free"): http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/22rm/html/RM-13-11-2.html#...

Unchecked type conversions (unsafe casting): http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/22rm/html/RM-13-9.html#I57...

Ada has FFI:

C / C++: http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/22rm/html/RM-B-3.html

COBOL: http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/22rm/html/RM-B-4.html

Fortran: http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/22rm/html/RM-B-5.html

Ada has pragmas to both enable more security measures or relax security measures:


Just like in unsafe Rust, sometimes in Ada you need to turn off some security features or tell the compiler "I know what I am doing for this part" when interfacing with some hardware or similar low-level stuff.

Ada has an FFI.

As well as address clause, unchecked_conversion and address_to_access_conversion. Extremely useful tools that give you the choice when to write risky code, and generate a compiler note exactly where such risk lives.

A simple heuristic that I expect to work universally is "could I write a program that prints to my terminal on a linux machine?" and if the answer is "yes" then it does not fit.

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