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The best guide is built in to Vim but sadly often overlooked.


Table of contents for this user manual: https://vimhelp.org/usr_toc.txt.html (`:h usr_toc.txt`)

Here's the reference manual: https://vimhelp.org/#reference_toc (`:h reference_toc`)

There's also a cheatsheet: https://vimhelp.org/quickref.txt.html (`:h quickref`)

Reading the docs and searching into it on a regular basis is the single best advice I could give to Vim users wanting to improve. The odd cheatsheet, the post with a few tricks and cool plugins, all those can be well and good, but nothing beats sitting down and reading the docs. I've been use Vim daily for 10+ years, and I still check help files very regularly. Knowing _how_ to search efficiently is also a skill worth acquiring.

Incidentally, the same advice apply to Bash: just read the man page, and search into it each time it is needed. It is just worth it.

I tried to go through it multiple time, but I couldn't:

1. It's way too long, the complete stuff is ten of thousand of lines. 2. It goes into needless details, especially at the beginning (the "finding help" section is intense for example). It turns me off each time. 3. It's too dry, not really enjoyable to read to me.

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