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Of course it's possible in either. By the way, Mac drivers are in fact written in a subset of C++. At least they used to be, maybe that has changed.

They are written in a strange subset of C++ with its own inheritance system and currency classes.

In NeXTStep they were written in ObjC, and probably should've stayed that way.

Just like UNIX kernel code is a strange subset of C.

I always find strange how "kernel C" is C, even though ISO C would bork in kernel space, but doing a similar C++ subset is pointed out as not being C++.

I'd also call kernel C strange. Mostly justified, but there's no particular reason the memory allocation call with the same behavior as malloc() in IOKit isn't named malloc().

> They are written in a strange subset of C++ with its own inheritance system and currency classes.

Can someone explain? Is there something other than DriverKit, which seems to be C++?


You have to go back to IO Kit, Driver Kit is the new one in userspace.


Which is how the Objective-C framework for NeXTSTEP drivers used to be called,


I suspect they’re either conflating things with ObjectiveC or FireBloom (https://saaramar.github.io/iBoot_firebloom/)

Both would sort of fit those descriptions I guess if one were to squint.

Oh interesting. Thanks for the link

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