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25% of hiring managers are less likely to move forward with Jewish applicants (resumebuilder.com)
6 points by jganetsk on Nov 28, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

This stinks to high Heaven of paid propaganda posing as a legit study. I’ve usually only seen these flood nutrition-focused media outlets, usually from the fast food industry trying to combat negative studies, but this one is quite bizarre.

The timing is also questionable, with the ‘article’ mentioning Kanye West specifically.

No author is given for this article. I’d bet money it’s a politically motivated damage-control piece. My instinct says it has something to do with the staff at FTX.

If this is really true - and frankly I’m not sure I buy it completely (though I do partially) - well, then, fuck those guys.

I like Jews.

They’ve always been really nice to me despite my brash Texas attitude and total disrespect of social graces. Every Jewish person I’ve met has been really down to earth, nice, and intelligent. Obviously that can’t apply to each and every one of them - they’re human beings, after all, just like everyone else - but that’s been my experience, and it’s one I’m eager to repeat.

Sadly, however, I am not a hiring manager.

I wish it was possible to definitively identify the people who sincerely refuse to hire Jewish folks, just so I know which companies not to bother applying to. After all, I’m a Texan. As such, I have an extremely low tolerance for bullshit.

And bigotry, in any form for any reason, is most assuredly bullshit.

It's the racism that got away. If you're in the UK (or have a VPN there), watch this[1]. Or read the book[2].

[1] https://www.channel4.com/programmes/david-baddiel-jews-dont-...

[2] https://www.amazon.com/Jews-Dont-Count-Times-Book-ebook/dp/B...

Anti-semitism, anti-Asian, anti-Black, anti-Muslim, anti-Russian, anti-Indian (except Silicon Valley).

America hasn't progressed as much as we think. Americans are still very intolerant of other cultures and people.

I’d be willing to wager this extends beyond America, if it were properly studied. Perhaps to a slightly different degree, though not by much. Just swap “jew” with some other minority relative to that culture and boom, QED.

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