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TiDB Cloud – A MySQL Compatible HTAP Serverless Database (pingcap.com)
4 points by DaemonXiao on Nov 28, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

There are four reasons for me to choose TiDB Serverless:

1. MySQL compatible: no pain to use

2. HTAP: TiDB has a great TP performance and an excellent OP performante. See their OSSIsight project: https://ossinsight.io/

3. Serverless: The separation of storage and computing architecture makes TiDB Serverless cost-effective to the extreme

4. Rich ecosystem: Vercel + TiDB Serverless = A Freedom Porject. See https://vercel.com/integrations/tidb-cloud

We're super excited about partnering with TiDB. This is the first truly serverless HTAP db in the market, which means the average app developer will never have to worry about complex data sync jobs or having entire categories of really slow or expensive queries (…or even worse, limit what their product can do due to insufficient db infrastructure!)

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