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bilsbie says:>"I wish someone would invent scuba lite."<

"Oxygen rebreather" I was going to say, but the first image at https://www.divein.com/diving/rebreather/ set me back a ways. The diver looks like a giant version of a wolf spider.

The WWII oxygen re-breather was a smaller-than-SCUBA unit for shallow dives used primarily by special forces (it recycled your exhalations removing the CO2 and produced fewer bubbles at the surface to reveal your presence). It has been decades since I looked at this tech and at first glance it seems oxygen re-breathers have only grown bulkier.

So-called "mini-SCUBA" tanks are available priced in the low hundreds of USD:


Finally there's a DIY version based on the James Bond movie "Thunderball":

"Working 007 Mini Scuba Tank! - Breath Underwater With This Spy Gadget"


A safer experience is an underwater drone:


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