If you dig deep into the origins of Nazi ideology (this book is a good source [1]) it’s obvious 99% of it came from historical European sources and regional issues. Often German thinkers but also across Europe (including France and Italy). There was enough local cultural and economic anxieties to draw from.
The Germans using America’s racial conflicts was usually mentioned in passing for analogy or for propaganda purposes. But it was hardly the ideological source of the antisemitism, German border fears, anti-Russia, and Lebensraum.
It’s trendy to compare America to 1930s Germany. But trying to spin the ideological origin of Nazi thought as being inspired by fringes of the US shows a severe lack of historical research. There was more than enough cultural sources at home in Germany.
The Germans using America’s racial conflicts was usually mentioned in passing for analogy or for propaganda purposes. But it was hardly the ideological source of the antisemitism, German border fears, anti-Russia, and Lebensraum.
It’s trendy to compare America to 1930s Germany. But trying to spin the ideological origin of Nazi thought as being inspired by fringes of the US shows a severe lack of historical research. There was more than enough cultural sources at home in Germany.
[1] https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/319473.The_Coming_of_the...