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If blogging is like a webpage, then a Zettelkasten is like a Wikipedia for your brains.

Inspired by a thread on HN ~2 years ago, I’ve now written 1,075 interconnected notes, and no longer feel that I forget 80% of any non-fiction book I read.

Linking is key; it allows you to connect any new insight to your existing externalized knowledge base, resulting in deeper understanding and retention.

It also creates the space to connect thoughts across disparate domains, which spawns novel ideas at an even greater rate. For example, I might link an idea about neuroscience to my chess writings that links to a note about workout methods which links to a piano technique note. Now I suddenly see a new connection about applying a piano practice technique to leveling up my chess score.

It has changed the way I read, or consume information generally.

A great book that got me started is Ahrens, S. (2017). How to Take Smart Notes

So do you take notes as you read? How do you handle charts?

Yes indeed, anytime anything is worth remembering (or connecting with other notes) I write it down. It interrupts reading, so I don’t churn through as many books.

I used to set goals like x books per year, but now I realize it’s a vanity metric and instead read for insights.

I use Obsidian for note taking, which supports images too.

Pondering about trying out Zettelkasten, I'm thinking whether it would make sense to take notes in a sequential log ... like one file per day/week/month/year ... and then regularly, like daily or weekly sort things in to the zettelkasten structure.

Anybody tried that?

AFAIK, this is how many data(base)-systems do to make writing more efficient: Write down into a write-cache of some sort, and then do batch-wise indexing as a separate process.


Ok, I’m confused. Do you take notes in Obsidian or in Zettelkasten? Or both?

Zettelkasten is a methodology, Obsidian is an app

Thank you.

Did you use any particular book or blog post when mapping the method to the app? I've found one book, but not sure if good https://www.amazon.com/How-Take-Smart-Notes-Obsidian-ebook/d...

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