I've recently used Hurl [1] in some projects. It seems to have a similar goal and I like i a lot though it misses "imports" which makes modeling of more complex workflows hard.
> How does the "imports" feature supposed to work and how does it help modelling more complex workflows?
If hurl had something like an import feature, one could re-use HTTP requests. For example, one could create a file that logs into the service and use it in all other tests.
It doesn't support that, so the only option you have is to re-write the login in every test _or_ build a script that outputs that.
There is an open issue for that: https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl/issues/115
"Despite the "Klarna" mention, this repository is not affiliated with Klarna AB. KATT was indeed born at Klarna, and Klarna AB holds copyright for parts of the code, but it is now being maintained outside the company, by its original authors and new contributors."
Assuming that license related files in the repo are accurate this doesn't look all that complicated.
The License and notice files appear to be sufficient to understand the situation and there's really not a lot going on. The licensing files indicate that Klarna AB holds copyrights in the code (with some others mentioned) and that it is all licensed under Apache 2.0.
Naturally, the license related files in the repo can be inaccurate or incomplete. But when dealing with open source software you have to pick a point where you're going to trust these kinds of representations from strangers.
I think your reply, and the further replies to it only serve to demonstrate my concerns even more.
I've had this happen before, where some tool or technology sounds like another tool. Combine that with people with varying accents, and you can quickly devolve into frustrating conversations.
"Okay, so the Foo system is having problems. Mary said they tested it using some cat scripts. Can we get Mary to share those, as we're unable to reproduce it"
(some time later)
"Oh, so Mary was using Katt with a K and not cat with a C."
[1]: https://hurl.dev