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Elon Musk says Twitter will make DMs encrypted, add video and voice calling (theverge.com)
11 points by WaitWaitWha on Nov 24, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Why would I want to use Twitter as the umpteenth video calling service on my phone?

Has a social media company ever been successful in copying the best or key features from other networks?

Skype used to be pretty popular Now Zoom is the de-facto video-call app for some reason? TikTok successfully took over after Vine shut down (with YouTube successfully copying TikTok woth YouTube shorts)

And every mobile app ever added "face filters" to add cute dog ears and fake glasses, probably double-dipping with all of the facial-geometry data their users are providing free-of-charge

At least from where I'm looking, working mostly with Europeans, Skype is still pretty popular. Sometimes replaced by Google Meet for meetings with transient acquaintances.

Skype's not as buttery smooth as Telegram, but it sure is a more polished, stable-feeling piece of software than Zoom.

Skype is still the only [citation needed] service which you can self-host afaik. Which is important to certain types of companies.

The twitter subscription is coming. It's only a matter of time. These services don't make sense if they continue with the free ad based system only. Once they have a subscription model in place then they won't have to rely on advertisers as their only income. I'm sure these ideas have been floating around for a while but Musk is the first willing to take the chance to implement them. Musk really knows how to make a buck.

Elon Musk knows how to get a buck from investors, by promising them the Moon and Mars. Getting it from users for actual products and services is a very different game.

99% of Twitter's users would rather quit it, than pay a dime for it.

Yes, just what I really need.

A maniac like Elon in control of my communication and video and voice calling.

*grabs more popcorn while enjoying the car crash*

NASA trusts him with their astronauts’ lives. I think you’ll be okay.

True. I'll be absolutely wonderful, because I don't need Twitter or Elon's latest Snake Oil.

And I definitely don't need to pay money to a snake oil salesman so I can have the pleasure of using a platform with the worst, most impenetrable garbage convoluted UI possible, all so I can post short-to-the-point-of-being-useless messages to be seen by people I'll never meet, and Oh by the way every message makes you more depressed and destroys society a little bit, and wouldn't you rather use the app so we can harvest and sell your data? Lol, fuck twitter.

I don't think NASA "trusts" anyone. There is a level of scrutiny there that Musk's product receives that is way more thorough than what he gets from the so-called "board members", one of whom is his own brother.

Ludicrous mode Full Self Astronauting (Beta version).

NASA also trusted Morton-Thiokol with their astronauts lives.

NASA has a great safety record. Space exploration will never be 100% safe. If it wasn't Morton-Thiokol it would have been an other entity or issue.

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