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Half the web has a CAPTCHA just to view content. Thanks, Cloudfare.

The only site that has ever asked me to solve a CAPTCHA before browsing content was pcpartpicker.com, and even that one stopped making me solve a CAPTCHA.

Do you browse the web behind a VPN, Tor, or something else to hide your IP? That's been known to trigger CF's CAPTCHAs.

Yes, it's my VPN triggering it. I run my own Wireguard on a DigitalOcean box, and I'm the only user--so not exactly a lot of bad traffic coming off of my IP (may have in the past, though).

With the prevalence of Cloudfare now, it's pretty onerous to captcha every visit to a new site just because VPN. You would think Cloudfare could at least give me a "session" that persisted across the web, if they're going gatekeep the whole fucking thing.

> I run my own Wireguard on a DigitalOcean box, and I'm the only user

May I ask why you bother doing this? At best, unless Wireguard is also filtering your traffic, the only privacy you're getting is hiding your home IP address. Trackers will still track you by IP and build a profile based on it.

> You would think Cloudfare could at least give me a "session" that persisted across the web, if they're going gatekeep the whole fucking thing.

Yeah, that would make sense.

I'm just tunneling, really. I prefer the logs on my WG box vs the local ISP and whoever else in-between. I don't think my webhost is really in the business of tracking down VPN users and selling out their browsing history, although it's possible. I do think my ISP probably is cashing in on people's browsing history, though, in some form or fashion.

I use a pi-hole as well to block the trackers etc as much as possible, and so I don't leak DNS requests to the ISP either.

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