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We have diluted the popular usage terminology so it's meaningless. Everyone ascribes the property "encrypted" to their service but you can't tell from that if they are just storing the key and the data next to each other in the database, or doing the equivalent with extra steps.

The important and hard part in crypto is key management, but that's considered too complicated a concept to explain to users.

From Reolink (all they do here is use a TLS connection):

"Your Privacy Is Our Top Priority Security at the expense of privacy is not what we're committed to. Reolink Cloud collaborates with Amazon Web Services for secure data storage. Also, we use standard AES algorithm for data transmission encryption, use RSA/ECDHE algorithm for secure key exchange, and follow the TLS standards. When you save footage to Cloud or play clips back, your personal information is always kept confidential from beginning to end."

They unfortunately forgot to mention that the encryption is “military grade”. So you probably can’t trust them.

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