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Elon Musk: And we just hit another all-time high in Twitter usage lol (twitter.com/elonmusk)
9 points by donsupreme on Nov 18, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

I mean if you set 54billion dollars on fire in a giant bonfire sure lots of people are going to tube In to see it burn. Problem is who is going to pay to advertise at the bonfire and will it be enough to cover 54bil

almost certainly not true, but next week during the world cup WOULD have been an all-time high usage event

Digital rubbernecking

When you make money off eyeballs that's a good thing.

Only if someone is willing to pay for the eyeballs.

Why do you think Jerry Springer lasted as long as it did?

Btw chatterhead, did you email me yesterday? Your updated profile comment seems to jive with the message I received. I hope you're okay, bud.

All good man, thanks! Just winding down the chatterhead persona. Was just a test run. Feel free to reach out anytime.

I'm relieved. Would love to keep in touch if you're open to it, email in profile.

I cannot fathom how anyone watches Jerry Springer, so I can't answer that question. My question is why would advertisers pay for an Elon Musk owned communication channel? A scripted show like Jerry Springer has limits and advertisers can rely on that. Twitter is completely unpredictable. Displaying advertisements next to unpredictable has had very bad outcomes in the past. Good bad or other, that is what Elon has to demonstrate he understands.

Ok, how about Howard Stern? People who hated Stern were most likely to listen to him. He had people masturbate on his show, curse, yell racist remarks...etc. Everything people expect Twitter to become and fail from yet Stern (30 years ago) made his bones off such behavior.

The difference today is that advertisers don't apparently have to make money they just have to do what Blackrock tells them. That seems to be the difference.


What brands advertise on Howard Stern? They are probably closer to the same ones Joe Rogan and Alex Jones rely on. Sketchy. Shit. Not-Disney-Monies.

Howard doesn't give 2 fucks as long as there are some $s and people talk about him.

PG&E? I mean, how about Eli Lilly or Lockheed? Perhaps Disney wants to pr...c'mon. The "Blackrock tell them" line is a lame callback to some Ted Cruz-level BS.

Would you put your company's money into Twitter ad buys, knowing that Elon just let BILLIONS OF DOLLARS of market value evaporate for few $8 subs that will be canceled before they can be counted towards ARR?

Twitter is being starved by its owner(s) - we can't forget the % Saudi Arabia owns, etc. The brands that come forward to take advantage of the eyeballs looking at a traffic accident involve MyPillow™ caliber Capitalism.

Twitter is an accidental global square, a dial-tone for the Internet. Monetizing it to profit will murder it. There may be a whiz out there with the outside-the-box thinking to pull it off without destroying 3rd world knowledge access and the global idea of democracy - but Elon is nowhere near that cat (nor am I!).

Now he's gonna be out most of his funny money (and other narcissists cash too), unless he weaponizes and sells the data. Still loses most of that $, but Humanity can lose a lot more in that equation.


So there's a direct correlation between how many Twitter employees there are, and how high the usage is?

Were the employees just spending all day banning people and manipulating the town square?

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