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Republicans have won the House. Now, they're promising to investigate the Bidens (npr.org)
5 points by Ptchd on Nov 18, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Look, you already know their policy agenda for the upcoming term, so lets get right to the investigations.

Not sure how cutting taxes for the super rich is going to stop inflation, but it's gotta work sometime, right?

The GOP don’t have any actual policies, so throwing meat like this to their base is one of their few options.

I mean what do you think increasing govt. spending does to inflation?

It's a silly partisan distraction that doesn't help anyone, just like all the Trump impeachment, and Jan 6 nonsense. This isn't the opening salvo in the race to the bottom, it's just maintaining the status quo. I don't know how we get back to the high road.

Rubbish. Did you follow the first impeachment at all?

Trump was running US foreign policy for his own, personal, benefit. Every single witness said so, convincingly.

The only partisan part of either impeachment was the Republicans refusing to convict based on their fealty to Trump.

Not just refusing to convict. They refused to do an actual trial.

I don't think that we can get back to the high road peacefully. The high road not only doesn't lead to victory, it leads to extermination. In a fight between two parties of even remotely similar strength, if one side tries to follow the dignified rules of conflict and the other a uses no-holds-barred, fight-to-win-no-matter-what approach, the latter wins every time.

I'm not accusing either party specifically of subscribing to one or the other of these strategies -- indeed what has happened is instead a gradual process of each party one-upping the other by just a smidge on how nakedly partisan they are prepared to be -- but in that process, if one party were to suddenly decide to restrain itself to only fighting by "honourable means", they're consigning themselves to the pyre of history.

In the end, we are too partisan as a society to have a high-functioning democratically-elected government. The two parties have similar numbers of adherents, and the median member of each group believes that the other group is an enemy which must be defeated. This produces political warfare. If the two groups were not of similar size, it would produce a short period of extreme prejudice after which there would no longer be two parties (not a good outcome, but it could lead to stable governance), but with the two camps being of similar size, it just leads to escalation after escalation.

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